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Bat (Murcielago) Roosting on Soffit

As the stucco first layer was going up, Pedro noticed a murcielago under the eaves…

Sleeping bat…

Cute little guy…

All the activity with the work on the exterior seems to have scared him away, but we need a bat house like Cohutt’s later on…

Box Turtle Wanders onto the Homestead

As I walked out to admire the view from the family room windows this morning ( in my jammies), I spotted a creature plodding toward the back porch. After the family was alerted, the little guy was given a fresh drink of water by the pecan trees. We hope he will make a home here… and eat lots of bugs.

Thirsty turtle…

Wow! A running stream in the desert… paradise!

Unfortunately, he isn’t showing good judgment so far… after drinking deeply at the pecan tree spring, at last report he was near the southern boundary of […]


As we arrived home one evening, we spotted something moving… upon closer examination, we discovered this:

Tarantulas are not deadly; in fact, you can read more about them at this website that has lots of interesting facts about tarantulas. We like the idea of them eating pests around our place and find them very entertaining.